Sunday, April 20, 2008

8yrs and counting…. My love story

People always asked us of how long have we been together? Then I’ll say with pride that it’s been 8 years and their liked really wow. But those 8 years weren’t bed of roses for the both us; some of it was hardest most grueling years of our lives. Yes 8 years is fulfilling but it’s not the years that really matters but the quality of years we’ve founded throughout those times.

2gether as a couple: we started as a couple April 6, 2000, we were still in high school and believe it or not we had the toughest start. I never intended to have a boyfriend in that time; still fresh from a broken family I find it hard to trust people. But hell yeah the timing was great a good diversionary tactic to somehow forget the things that hurts me the most. We’ve dated, find ourselves being really fond of each other, and had all the firsts in our lives. Hahahaha. Then from then on I knew I was in deep trouble. I found myself head over heels in love with the guy.

Please love me no more: I felt the most agonizing pain I could ever imagine. And it was when we always come to the edge of losing each other, we did fight a lot. I’m a type of person who’ll crush anyone with what I say and it’s the one that can make you strip naked with dignity, and I’m not proud of it. He on the other hand has the tendency to walk out on you without any explanation needed that is giving me a headache. Honestly, there were that we want to raise the white flag really badly. Breaking up was always an escape goat, funny thing is the longest break up we had was 2 days. But just currently we had a fight; it was tough on me and the one that really rocked my world. Had sleepless nights, sobbing and hurting and can’t stop thinking of it. I always believe in “forgive and forget” but now I can’t live it. Although forgiving was an easy task because I just can’t stay mad at him. Forgetting though is hard, maybe as time goes the pain might minimize and then subsequently I’ll forget.

Professing my love to him: isn’t this the best way to tell everyone of how much you love a person?

“To you (you who you are) hehehe, I know that ‘I love you’ are the most used words to us, but that’s how I feel and I will not stop saying it to you not now not ever. You’ve been a great friend, a shoulder to cry on, a companion, and a lover, I had nothing to doubt about you. My heart believes everything you say just don’t break it again. Sometimes I said things that hurt you, it’s just that I’m crazy in love with you and I just can’t take any risk that might eventually lead to losing you. You are my shield and my only sense of security; yes it has a little chink on it but not enough to lose trust on you. Hun you’re my only hope to true love and we are making trough it, I love you. I love you with every part of me. I love you more than I love you before. I love you with all your flaws. I love you that I can’t live not loving you. And I love you with every little things you do (that I really hate) because they make me fall in love with you again, over and over.”

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